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Bowie Boys & Girls Club




Welcome to BBGC Fast Pitch Softball Program.    The Bowie Boys & Girls Club (BBGC) offers Fast Pitch Softball for girl’s ages 5-15 years of age.  The Fast Pitch Softball program is designed to teach the skills and rules of fast pitch softball while having fun.    BBGC Softball also teaches the girl’s self-esteem, good sportsmanship, team work, motivation and confidence. 

* There will be 2 major fundraisers for Softball this year.  The first one will be in April and the second is our 8U Tournament in June.    Players on our 10U-14U teams must participate.  Those that do not wish to participate will pay up to $75 in Sports Fee payable to BBGC.

No player will be permitted to play down in an age group under any circumstances.   Players may be permitted to play up an age group with approval of the coach and the commissioner.   

6U Soft Tee-Ball

Ages:  4, 5 & 6

Birth dates:   2009, 2010, 2011

Games:  Bowie & Crofton

Safety is our number one concern.  We use an 11 inch Incrediball (this is a “softer” version of a regulation softball).  Teams are kept small, capped at around 8 players per team, guaranteeing each child 100% playing time, which minimizes any standing or sitting around.  Additionally, the players will get more individual coaching time, focused on learning the fundamentals.  Smaller teams will also allow players to receive several at bats per game – their favorite thing at this age!  Teams play a form of Cal Ball where the coach pitches a few times to the batter and if the player does not hit the ball, the ball is placed on a Tee.  We have found this to move the games along faster and much more exciting than T-ball.  This is softball at a higher success rate in terms of fun, skill development, and player retention.  Games are not scored. Each child will receive a medal at the end of the season.  

Tryouts/Placements:  No tryouts or Placements. 

                                            Time Commitment:  March-June

                                            Practices-2 weekday nights per week

                                            Games: Saturday

                                            Equipment needed:  Glove, water bottle

                                             Recommended Equipment:  Helmet with face mask and rubber cleats

                                                                              BBGC will provide t-shirt and visors

8U Softball

Ages:  7&8

Birth dates:  2007 and 2008

Games:   Bowie, Crofton, Gambrills, Edgewater

The 8U program builds on the 6U Program.   Teams are kept small, guaranteeing more playing time.   They are capped at about 10 players per team.   The focus is on basic fundamentals such as throwing, catching, batting, base running and pitching.   This is a kid pitch/Coach pitch League, where kid pitch is phased in over the course of the season with 2 innings maximum kid pitch.  There are no walks, no tees and players can strike out.     Games are not scored.   Each child will receive a medal at the end of the season.  

There will be an 8U All Star Tournament at Blacksox Park in June.    Volunteers are needed to help with this event.    Anyone interested in helping with the All Star Game should contact the commissioner

Tryouts/Placements:  Evaluations in February

Time Commitment:  March-June

Practices-Two weekdays a week

Games: One week night and either Sat or Sunday

Equipment needed:  Glove, water bottle

                                                    Recommended Equipment:   Helmet, Face Mask and rubber cleats

BBGC will provide t-shirt and visor

10U Softball Recreational League

Ages: 9 & 10

Birth dates: 2005 and 2006

Games: Bowie/ Anne Arundel County

10U Softball is for children 9 and 10 years old who want to learn to play Fast Pitch Softball.    The recreational team will play in the North Community Girls Softball League (NCCGSL).   Teams are capped at about 14 players and each player is guaranteed at least 2 innings in the outfield and 2 innings at bat.    All Players who register will be placed on a team.  Players are not permitted to play up unless the age group they are seeking does not have enough players to field a team or approval by the commissioner. 

                                                   Tryout/Placements: Evaluation in February

            Time commitment:  March -June

            Practices-Two days per weekday

            Games-One weeknight and Saturday

                        Equipment Needed:  Glove, rubber cleats and water bottle

                                                               Recommended Equipment:  Helmet, Mouth Guard, Face Mask

BBGC will provide uniform, socks and visors

12U Softball

Ages:  11 & 12

Birth dates:  2003 and 2004

Games: Bowie/ Anne Arundel County

 Softball is for children 11 and 12 years old who want to learn to play Fast Pitch Softball.  The 12U team will play in the North County Community Girls Softball League (NCCGSL).  Teams are capped at about 14 players and each player is guaranteed at least 2 innings in the outfield and 2 innings at bat.    All Players who register will be placed on a team.  Players are not permitted to play up unless the age group they are seeking does not have enough players to field a team or approval by the commissioner.

Tryout/Placements:  No Tryouts

Time commitment:  February -June

Practices-Two days per weekday

Games-One weeknight and Saturday

Equipment Needed:  Glove, rubber cleats, water bottle

                                        Recommended Equipment:   Helmet, Mouth Guard, Face Mask

BBGC will provide uniform, visor and socks

14U Softball

Ages:  13 and 14

Birth dates:  2001, 2002

Games:  Bowie/Anne Arundel County

  County Softball is for children 13 and 14 years old who want to learn to play Fast Pitch Softball.  BBGC plays in the North County Community Softball League (NCCGSL).  Teams are capped at about 14 players and each player is guaranteed at least 2 innings in the outfield and 2 innings at bat.    All Players who register will be placed on teams according to their age and skills. 

Tryout/Placements:   Usually start the end of February

Time commitment:  February -June

Practices-Two days per weekday

Games-One weeknight and Saturday

Equipment Needed:  Glove, rubber cleats, water bottle

Recommended Equipment:   Helmet, Mouth Guard, Face Mask

BBGC will provide uniform.

Volunteers are always welcome.  Please contact Alex Gamez if you are interested in coaching or helping out with Softball @ [email protected]

*Any player that wants to play up must get the approval of the commissioner. 

*Refunds will not be permitted after 04/01/2019 for the Spring Season   

Bowie Boys and Girls Club

2614 Kenhill Drive, Suite 113
Bowie, Maryland 20715
Phone : 301-262-6113
Email : [email protected]
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